Thursday, July 02, 2015

Structure of Film Analysis: HUM 3


Note:  This is only a guide for the one-page essay you will have to submit to the teacher every after the movie show.  Please organize your essay in the following format in coherent manner.  Grammar and organization will be checked. Submission of film analysis by e-mail is not allowed.

(Specs: 8.5x11 white bond paper, single spaced; 12 pt font size; Times Roman or Garamond;  1 page only)


  1. Story:
    1. Is it plot or character-oriented? Explain.
    2. Are all the characters believable? Please cite examples.
    3. Does it have the element of surprise?  Is the ending predictable?

  2. Character:
    1. Are the actors and actresses deserved to be commended? Why?
    2. Are all the other supporting actors credible?  Who is the most credible? Least credible?
    3. What is your assessment of the lead actor or actress?  Is the role fitting to the personality/voice/projection of the actor or actress?

  3. Theme:
    1. What is the underlying message of the film?
    2. Identify the symbolisms used in the film?  What do they mean?
    3. How do these symbols contribute to the over all meaning of the film?
    4. Can you identify the leit-motif used in the film?  How does the motif relate to the director’s tendencies and choice of presenting his message?

  1. Setting:
    1. Is the location appropriate?
    2. What location touched you most? Why?
    3. Are there locations that seem to be irrelevant?  What are these and why?

OTHERS: Sex and Music/ Sound Effects:
·       Was there any sex scene in the film?  Was this necessary or not?  How did this contribute to the over all message of film?
·       How was the music/ SFX used?  Was the music/ SFX appropriate to the particular scene?  Were feelings evoked by the music/ SFX associated with the particular image it accompanied?


Did the film touch your emotions?  Which character affected you most?  Why?  Did you like the movie?  Were you able to identify any cinematic flaw? Did you think they were intended or not? Any other comment about the movie is welcome.

Reminder: Please avoid copying film reviews in the Internet. Take note of the consequence regarding academic dishonesty and student integrity. If you want to use some ideas from online film reviews in the net, kindly paraphrase and put the necessary acknowledgement of the source either as a footnote or endnotes or other applicable sourcing method. [Rev 06-2015]