scholarships scholarships!!!
- Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP)
- Scholarships opportunites at Utrecht University
- Swedish Institute scholarships
- Oxford and the Rhodes Scholarships
- The Google Europe Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship 2009
- Government of Canada Awards Program
- Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship Program
- Scholarships Opportunities in Monash University - Australia
- International Scholarships Opportunities at Axford University- UK
- Various Scholarships for Studies in New Zealand
- UNEP Master's Scholarships in AIT- Thailand
- Vacant PhD positions, Surface Technology & Tribology group, Dept of Engineering Technology, Univ of Twente, the Netherlands
- Doctoral Scholarship - New Zealand
- PhD Scholarships, University of Victoria, New Zealand
- Endeavour Research Fellowships - Australia
- Sida's scholarships - SWEDEN
- STINT Scholarship for Academic Excellence - SWEDEN
- A mbassadorial Scholarships fromThe Rotary Foundation
- Scholarships for Ph.D. at a Flemish university, Belgium
- Swiss government grants and scholarships for foreign students and artists
- Scholarships for IT Master Programs University of Copenhagen- Denmark
- CIMO Fellowships - FINLAND
- The Guest Scholarship Program - Swedish Universities
- PhD scholarships in Bioinformatics several Australian Universities
- Study in Switzerland - Get a Scholarship
- Scholarships for IT at Information and Communication Technology, Korea
- Scholarships in oceanic fluid dynamic at Memorial University Newfoundland, Canada
- Studentships at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
- Study in Sweden - Master Programme for Key Personnel in Developing Countries
- MPhil/PhD Studentships, King's College London, UK
- Grants for Master and PhD Students in Bonn Graduate School of Economics-Germany
- Ericsson Master Scholarships in Wireless Systems at KTH Stockholm-Sweden
- Master Scholarships 2008 at Carnegie Mellon Heinz School, Adelaide-Australia
- Ambassadorial Scholarships- Worldwide
- New Zealand International Scholarships
- Postgraduate Scholarships in Greece
- Scholarships at The IT University of Copenhagen (ITU)- Denmark
- Scholarships by The Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)
- Scholarship at University Sport Birmingham (USB), UK
- Master Scholarships at ENS Lyon- France
- M.Sc. Programme in Public Health, Maastricht University, The Netherland
- Ambassadorial Scholarships- Worldwide
Junior Research Fellowships -Trinity College Cambridge, UK - The International Centre of Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality Education Scholarship - Australia
- Swiss scholarships for university studies
- CIMO Fellowships -Finland
- AYF Fellowship-JAPAN (2007)
- International Fellowship Scholarship Program for Women - USA
- Ph.D.-student position in the Solid State Physics - U twente, NL
- PhD Studentship Institute of Petroleum Engineering -UK
- CIMO Fellowships -Finland
- AYF Fellowship-JAPAN (2007)
- NAEd Postdoctoral Fellowship
- PhD Scholarship Flinders University Australia
- New Zealand Development Scholarships
- Swedish Institute scholarships
- Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program
- VLIR Scholarships (2007-2008)- Belgium
- John Henry Brookes International Scholarships, UK
- PhD Position at University of Twente, The Netherlands
- PhD in Cryptographic Protocols-Bochum- Germany
- PhD in Morphogenesis- EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
- PhD Student, McGill University, Canada
- PhD Fellowships at University of Padova, Italy
- PhD Studentship in Chemical Engineering at NTUST, Taiwan
- ABBEST PhD Research Scholarships, Ireland
- Graduate Student Position at KTH, Sweden
- PhD in Numerical Analysis and Applications in Finance, Norway
- PhD felllowship at FMI, Basel, Swiss
- Scholarships in Business and Economics--Humboldt -Universitat, Germany
- Research Grants in Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics- Italy
- Neurolinguistics: PhD Student, McGill University, Canada
- Asian Development Bank - Japan Scholarship Program
- New Admission at JGSEE-Bangkok
- The SEASREP Grant (for promoting Southeast Asian studies )
- PhD Positions at The International Max Planck Research School for Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences
- East-West Center Graduate Degree Fellowship Program 2007
- Wageningen University ,The Netherlands - PhD positions
- PhD Scholarships- Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Research grant from ISF
- Scholarship possibilities- Ghent University, Belgium
- Asian Development Bank - Japan Scholarship Program
- RSM Fellowships Program -World Bank
- PhD positions in Optics and Photonics-ICFO, Spain
- PhD Scholarship, Stockholm University-Sweden
- PhD Scholarship in Civil Engineering- Univ. of Strathclyde- UK
- Study and Scholarships at The Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environtment- Thailand
- Asian Youth Fellowship-JAPAN
- Doctoral Research Studentships- New Zealand
- Postgraduate Research in Chemistry - Herriot Watt University
- Various Scholarships at Monash University-Australi a
- Government of Canada Awards to foreign students for graduate study in Canada
- PhD scholarships in Optics and Photonics-Spain
- The Luisa Mallari Fellowships for M.A./Ph.D. Research in Southeast Asian Studies
- Utrecht Excellence Scholarships 2006-2007 -Netherlands
- Trust Jourdain Scholarship- for Masters and Doctoral Studies
- PhD Studentship in Biomedical Sciences at Univ. of Birmingham-UK
- PhD Position in Biomedical Signal Processing-Chalmers Univ.-Sweden
- PhD Studentship in Economics/Business -Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherland
- PhD Scholarships- University of Vienna-Austria
- University of Liverpool Management School - Studenships Info
- PhD Scholarships at the University of Kuopio-Finlad
- International Doctoral Scholarships in Information and Comunication: Italy
- Research Fellowship in Management University of Stavanger-Norway
- PhD scholarships in Economics and Business: Universiteit van Amsterdam
- Master Scholarships at University of Liverpool-UK
- PhD scholarships in Finance- Melbourne, Australia
- Various Scholarships at The University of Bat