Thursday, August 26, 2004

Regularity, Quiz and Reviews

After a series of holidays, we will resume our class on Saturday, August 28, 2004 at F513 Viewing Room. I enjoin you to come on time so that we will not go beyond four o'clock.


I would like also to remind you that starting this week, I will implement a regular quiz schedule to encourage early arrival of students. I will conduct the quiz on the first ten minutes of the class, i.e. 1:00 - 1:10 PM every Saturday. Coverage of the quiz will be the previous week movie and lectures.


I notice that some reviews do not discuss at all the theme and motif of the movies we have watched. Please do discuss them in your next review to recoup lost points from your previous papers. Just a note, do not wait till a week before you make your movie reviews. I advise you to make your movie critique or review right after we have watched the movies. And most of all, please put your reference footnotes if you have quoted a phrase or two from the internet. Some may have inadvertently forgotten to put the references due to some circumstances. I will not hesitate to file a plagiarism case against you next time. I have WARNED you already.