Submit your movie review at the Admissions Office, c/o Ms. Devi Joy Migue. For the June 26, 2004 meeting, you watch "The Road Home" by Zhang Yimuo. Read the articles from the course pack (Hum 3) at the Reserve Section of the library. Let the articles be your guide to your own movie review. Add the following topics in your discussion:
(1) The film is a love story without a even a kiss. Why didn't Director Zhang Yimuo include sex scenes in the movie?
(2) The plot is simple, the use of BW/Color transitions were simple. What makes this movie amazing in its simplicity?
(3) Identify the symbolisms used in the movie. What are the relations of the symbol to the theme of the movie?
I am still in Manila till Saturday, July 3, 2004. Please submit your movie review in the next meeting. Enjoy!
Hey, you can submit your review by clicking COMMENT below. Just don't forget to put your complete name and email address, so I can send you the grade for your review.